

I just had the scariest year of my life and there were no witches, skeletons, or ghosts! Have you noticed Halloween doesn’t really scare most people?  My 2-year-old yearns to be a witch (“Biujita”). My 5-year-old keeps naming bones on a skeleton and the...
My favorite child is….

My favorite child is….

A conversation I choose not to engage in! Since becoming a mother of 2, and then 3 girls, I often find myself in social conversations where I get asked who my favorite child is. For a few years I found myself uncomfortably saying “I love them all the same…” To make...
Checking-in my unfinished business!

Checking-in my unfinished business!

So let’s map this pattern out:What? How??OMG, its true!!! And Now what?  I’m always paying attention to patterns and last month I noticed one of mine that I’m embarrassed to confess… but I will!  Every time I travel I take unfinished business with...
Modern men: adding quality to equality

Modern men: adding quality to equality

Today I write about a perspective that’s seldomly spoken about in an era where gender equality is such a hot topic: the changes that (some) men have achieved whilst women have massively entered the work force. In the past couple of decades women have done an...