Therapy Blog by Elsa Hines

Read Elsa Hines’ therapy blog for valuable insights, tips, and reflections on mental health. Get expert advice on coping strategies, managing emotions, improving relationships, and more. Start your journey to a happier and healthier life today.



I just had the scariest year of my life and there were no witches, skeletons, or ghosts! Have you noticed Halloween doesn’t really scare most people?  My 2-year-old yearns to be a witch (“Biujita”). My 5-year-old keeps naming bones on a skeleton and the...

Checking-in my unfinished business!

Checking-in my unfinished business!

So let's map this pattern out:What? How??OMG, its true!!! And Now what?  I’m always paying attention to patterns and last month I noticed one of mine that I’m embarrassed to confess… but I will!  Every time I travel I take unfinished business with me…...

Modern men: adding quality to equality

Modern men: adding quality to equality

Today I write about a perspective that’s seldomly spoken about in an era where gender equality is such a hot topic: the changes that (some) men have achieved whilst women have massively entered the work force. In the past couple of decades women have done an...

Looking for Therapy? join my newsletter!

Looking for Therapy? join my newsletter!

Looking for Therapy? A year ago, I thought about creating a newsletter, which is crazy because I will confess, I don’t really read newsletters 🤦🏼‍♀. But in a moment of clarity, I knew I had impactful experiences and interesting insights to share. This thought was...

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